By the time India completes 75 years of its independence, the central government aims to provide the homes to all its citizens by 2022. The government is fully promised with the citizens for homes through a national housing PM Narendra Modi’s vision of housing for all by 2022. Budgetary support and coordination between multiple ministries are the factors that can make this housing plan promising and ambitious. This plan is prepared and executed by the ministries of rural development & urban development along with Swachh Bharat Mission. According to certain official sources, “The government is implementing its policy on the national housing scheme.” It is coming up with dream policy to construct approximately 60 lakh houses yearly over the next seven years in rural India.”
The Proposed National Gramin Awas Mission of the rural development ministry is probable to replace the Indira Awas Yojana, which is a guiding scheme for constructing houses. Recently, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley officially said in the statement on Saturday about Union Budget 2015-2016 that the government would construct six crore houses- two crore in the urban areas and remaining in the rural areas. According to the budget, “14,000 crore is allocated for the housing programme for delivering the houses for all till 2022 including 10,000 crore to Indira Awas Yojana. It is sure that there is no allocation for Rajiv Awas Yojana.
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